Sunday, May 8, 2011

What Really Built America?

In all regards, the greatest strides this nation has made for liberty and well-being have been crafted and driven by what we might call progressives or liberals.

The reactionary forces want to dismantle our freedoms and feed us to the corporate monster.

It was socialism, if you will, that built the Hoover Dam and the TVA and got us out of the Depression and built our interstate system; it's "socialism" that funds our military and safeguards our airways (before the Reagan deregulators took over) and our schools (no wonder the GOP fights against school-funding) and health-care system (what's left of it).

It was a liberal vision that fought the Revolution, that sought the abolition of slavery, that gave us the 8-hour workday and a living wage. Come on folks - it wasn't the wealthy who made this nation great. It was the working men and women working together, organizing, along with a strong government, that built this nation and made it great - so that a bozo like Trump might wear his hair oddly and prance around like he was actually a citizen of value.

1 comment:

  1. "It was the working men and women working together, organizing, along with a strong government, that built this nation and made it great..." you know Tom, readers may read your words I've reposted here in this comment - but I hope they're not a "yeah, yeah, I get it" nodding heads and really stop to think about what you've said here...these words of your's I've highlighted at once touch on the battle, yes battle, in which we're now engaged and essentially highlight the reality of our nation's history because of the liberal/ progressive movement - versus the revisionist history of the political right, FOX News and its devotees and conversatives are touting - their ideology is a poison narrative. And it's sad and destructive to their own lives that someone making under $100K would "buy in" to the right-wing rhetoric.
