Thursday, April 21, 2016

Throwing Money at a Problem

I've always believed in throwing money at a problem ...
and so do Republicans ...
at least, at their kind of problems ...
like a military-hardware system ... or
barring abortion ... or
stopping trans-bathrooms ... or
promoting free-for-all carry ... or
defending rapists' rights ... or
forcing the repayment of school loans ... or
fighting health care for all Americans ... or
ousting liberal politicians and gerrymandering districts ...
yup, hundred of millions, billions even,
thrown at GOP kinda problems.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

What if ...

What if ...
Satan had the power to deliver.
On the proposition:
"Bow down, and the kingdoms of the world
Are yours"?

What if ...
Jesus fully understood
Just how serious a
Proposition this was?

What if ...
The massive wealth of the Nations,
The obscene wealth of the Few,
Is simple proof of having
Bowed the knee to Satan?

Tuesday, April 19, 2016


When the rich skim the cream,
Of course, there isn't enough
To go around.

So the rich hope we blame
The hungry for wanting too
Much cream.


An early morning drive,
To get some gas;
Noticed some working folks who were likely
Not paid much ... I caught a face or two ...
And saw their anxious eyes ... 
And by a huge public works construction project.
Workers, lots of 'em.
Plenty of good cars and trucks.
Good wages build the economy.
Low wages wreck the soul.

Friday, April 1, 2016

I'm Tired of the Political Season

I'm tired of the political season.
I'm tired of all the claims and counter-claims.
The name-calling.
I'm tired of penis stuff and wife-denigration.
I'm tired of conservative sex-fixation.
I'm tired of the religious right oh so wrong.
I'm tired of liberals getting hoity-toity with one another.
About Bernie this and Hillary that.
And Sarah Palin and Susan Sarandon.
But, I'm even more tired of racism and gun-madness.
I'm even more tired of America's endless wars.
I'm even more tired of our income inequality and the roll-back of voting rights ... the right-to-work nonsense ...
I'm tired of hungry children.
Families denied health care.
Education deconstructed.
Infrastructure going to pot.
And because I'm evermore tired of this, I'm willing to put up with the rest.
God save the Queen ... or whatever.