Sunday, December 11, 2016

When SS Doesn't Work

The GOP Conmen are doing to Social Security what they've already done, in large part, to American Public Education - impoverish it.

And then shout at the top of their itty bitty lungs, "Social Security is bankrupting America. And besides that, it won't work much longer."

After beating their "We're so poor" drum, they'll offer in place of SS a shoddy investment plan which will:

1) Always benefit those who own the instruments of investment.
2) Benefit even some of the investors.
3) Leaving most of America all the poorer.

America, you're being duped.

And most pitiable of all, the Evangelicals, who've not only been duped, but have convinced themselves that the con game is God's will.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

America's Warrior Class

We have a warrior class in America. 1) In part, because it's in our DNA, and some have it in spades. 2) Southern Culture has curried a notion of honor found in war. 3) Large segments of the Christian Church have exchanged the Prince of Peace for the Dogs of War. 4) Accentuated now by the lack of a draft, and sustained by walls of secrecy and distance from the day-to-day experience of society. 5) Perhaps even aided and abetted by video games. 6) That for many a young woman or man, the military life is an escape from poverty, a means of education, and, for some, a pathway to citizenship. Poverty is a function of maintaining a recruitment pool.

Given all of this, I get the feeling that some in America are spoiling for war, and have done so for some time now.

In reading about WW1, the war that should never have been, the nations involved had talked tough for so long, had rattled sabers and spoken of honor, had even sought peace, until everyone was exhausted, and going to war was the easiest option of all. Having teetered on the edge for so long, it was now easier just to fall off.

There is a portion of any given society which loves war - "the smell of napalm in the morning." They talk tough, they speak endlessly of national and personal honor, they believe in might, they long for the adventure, they believe that violence is always a viable solution for peace.

Given the right conditions, if such people assume responsibility for a nation, the prospects of war increase significantly. And, sadly, all across Europe, when the drums of war were pounding, there was found the Christian Church prompting the soldiers with thoughts of heavenly glory and the will of god, confusing the Father of Glory with the glorious Fatherland.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Telling lies seems to be in season.

The city of Santa Anna is drawing up a proposal to become a sanctuary city.

An opponent of the proposal said:
"We know that most illegals are criminals who come here to exploit the United States."

This is a lie.
We all know it.
Stats make it clear.
The evidenced is in.

Hats off to Santa Anna and other sanctuary cities.
Hats off to people who tell the truth.
Who embrace kindness and mercy and intelligence and reason.
Folks who see the world in the light of reality and facts.

And boo bad to the man or woman who tells the lie.
And double boo bad to those who believe them.
Because the lies coincide with fear and suspicion.
And let's face it, the lies also correspond to prejudice.

Are there criminals amongst the illegals?
But not most, hardly any.
So, no more lies on this point.

Folks come here to work.
To find life for their families.
To find a future.
To live a dream.

Let's support them.
Let's help them.
Let love be the norm.
Not the lie.

Let the truth be told.
And let the truth set us free.
Free from the lies.
And free to be responsible human beings.