Tuesday, July 5, 2022

Must I Continue?

Must I continue to argue that a woman’s body is her own?

That a woman has all the rights and dignity pertaining to her humanity, a full and complete humanity, standing on its own in the sunlight of God’s creation and God’s purpose?

Must I continue to argue that men in their pride, men in their ignorance, have no right whatsoever to dictate to the woman the course of her health, her pregnancy, her dignity, her purpose in life?

Must I continue to argue that a woman’s purpose is fully her own? That her purpose in life is to be fully herself, as God’s purpose and God’s love unfolds that purpose for her?

Must I continue to challenge those men, and those women, who claim that a woman’s personhood, her life and purpose, her being, her humanity, is determined solely and singularly by her biology? That a woman, then, needs men around her, above her, to make those decisions that pertain to her biology, that of a being capable of becoming pregnant, and bearing a child? That this element of her being is the only element worthy of her being? Worthy of a man’s determining desire?

Must I continue to challenge the sin of white male christian supremacy? In all of its horrid manifestations and hypocritical posturing? With its Bible in hand, lofty prayers and praise songs, exulting the goodness of God and the joys of heavenly reward?

Must I continue to defend the majesty and sacredness of a woman’s body, her body, her life, her being, her soul, her destiny, as that of her own will and purpose, as she sees fit, as she measures her being, if so inclined, in the light of God’s purpose and being, seems redundant. 

For the independence of being has been thoroughly determined for that of the male species, in theology and philosophy, song and poetry, literature and art. 

So, must I conclude that those men and women who clearly affirm that a woman’s being is determined by her biology, and yet understand the independent nature of the male species, have determined that the female species is less a human being? Less qualified to enjoy the rights and dignity accorded to the male?

While some might say, “only a different human being”? 

I then ask, how different? 

How different is a short man from a tall man; a man who can sing and dance and a man who can’t; a man who loves to paint and another who grows a flower; a man who walks a thousand miles to find a home, and a man who sits by his window dreaming great ideas.

How different we all are … but differences aside, no man would suggest that any of the men so described above would be less than human, less than deserving of the full rights and liberties and responsibilities of the human race.

To deny this for women requires a mental breakdown, a failure of nerve and intelligence, a complete misconstrual of reality, and likely a meanness of spirit, a foulness of soul, a willingness to condemn some to a lesser status of being, because of their “difference.”

Must I continue to engage in this struggle?

Yes, I must … and I will … for those who would take away the rights and dignity of a woman remain determined and full of self-righteousness, a heady mess of bad theology and twisted instincts.

Yes, and so I will … and to anyone reading this note, I encourage you to stand fast, to resist the cult of white male christian supremacy, to resist it for what it is, a script from hell, a deadly idea suitable to preserving the power of some at the expense of many.

If you’re a Christian, I’ll say it, loudly and clearly: white male christian supremacy is NOT the way of Christ … but rather the Tempter in the Wilderness, who offered to Christ the easy way out, appealing to easy answers, and all of them completely wrong.

Finally, whatever your faith may be, your stance on life, the same conclusions are clear in every soul. Those who resist the rights of a woman know they’re wrong, and thus continue their murderous ways by increasing levels of vehemence and vitriol, to cover up the cries of their own soul.

Keep up the good work, dear friends, and do not relent.

We must continue!