Chambliss wins ... America loses ...
A disappointment, but not a surprise ... those crackers would as soon die in a failed economy then to give up their pro-lie positions and low taxes mythologies ...
Clearly a win for the palintologists ... and Neanderthal christians ...
Oh well, for a spiritual break, read Jan Karon's book, "Home to Holly Springs."
The good news is that while this sort of election finality may still occur at the local level in some regions, on a national level it seems the right-wing 'god in a small box' Christian base turn-out is not enough to swing an election - again providing we have a decent voter turn-out like this year. I'm still amazed at the Limbaughs and Sean Hannitys of the world and their sore loser-ship, still spewing and defending their right-wing "theories", pathetic since they have 0 data to back any of it up. Nice theories. Can we move them to something like "Right Wing Has-Been Island?" They can watch themselves on close-circuit TV to make sure their still real, play back the sound of their own voices and be glad the familiarity of the echo....