Tuesday, May 5, 2020

An Abomination???

I cannot believe:
Chris Christie.
Comparing Covid-19 deaths.
To WW2.
A complete and filthy dismissal of what really happened.
When American Families waved goodbye:
To their sons and daughters.
Many of whom never returned home.
They and their families:
Believed in America, not as a financial enterprise.
But a bastion of democracy and hope.
Not an economy for the Oligarchs.
But a way of life embodied in the art of Normal Rockwell.
And of the millions who left and returned,
many injured in body and soul.
Plagued with memories too horrible to tell.
To compare Covid-19 deaths to
Is this not an abomination?
A sin against every WW2 grave in Arlington.
The graves at Normandy.
And all around the world.
Brave young women and men who died for freedom.
For hope.
To liberate the oppressed.
To set the captives free.
To give sight to the blind.
And help to the lame.
To feed the children of the world.
And restore peace to the nations.
To compare all of this to Covid-19 deaths:
Trivializes the sacrifice of American Families.
And the lives of millions lost around the world.
Millions killed by the Axis Powers.
The monsters, the evil ones:
Franco in Spain.
Mussolini in Italy.
Hitler in Germany.
Hirohito in Japan.
By comparing WW2 and the deaths of millions,
To death from Covid-19.
Is this not an abomination?
A lie?
What we have is:
Death by mismanagements and bad judgment.
Death by mealy-mouth politicians and religious dolts..
Death by incompetency and greed.
Death by stupidity and malice.
Is this not an abomination?
For Christie to give voice to this insane lie.
He now joins the ranks of the Evil Ones.
Those who distort and deceive.
Those who play upon the sentiments of the good
And the decent.
Those who break covenant with truth.
Who embrace the darkness of hell.
And stamp out the light of heaven.
In my mind, not a question.
This IS an abomination.
As the Psalmist says:
Transgression speaks to the wicked deep in their hearts; there is no fear of God before their eyes.
For they flatter themes in their own eyes that their iniquity cannot be found out and hated.
The words of their mouths are mischief and deceit; they have ceased to act wisely and do good.
They plot mischief while on their beds; they are set on a way that is not good; they do no reject evil.
Psalm 36.1-4

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