Monday, April 19, 2021

Abortion: What Republicans Really Want

 Misogyny, the hatred of women.


Because, with the first woman, Eve, sin entered the world. Without Eve, there'd be no sin; without women to tempt men, there'd be no ??? Well, who knows. But it's the woman's fault.



Women, of course, can't be trusted. They are, after all, "the weaker sex." They're overly emotional, they cry, they haven't the intelligence needed to make their way in the world; they need a man's care, provisioning, and guidance, and above all, they need to make babies.

This is the GOP dream world.

If you wanna know what this world looks like, look no further than El Salvador - a sadly troubled land, with some of the world's most severe anti-abortion laws. Written and conceived by the descendants of Torquemada

The Roman Catholic Church is happy! in a maniacal sort of way - what do these old men do all day long, but dream of sex, and hating themselves for it, do everything they can to banish the idea, or, to put it more directly: deal with the cause. WOMEN!!!! 

Punish women for wanting to be fully human; punish them for wanting a voice in their pregnancies. Punish them ... punish them ... punish, punish, punish. It feels soooooo good.

This is what the GOP wants. GOP men, and their women, must think about sex and the bedroom morning, noon, and night - crafting legislation and approving laws that target women, gays, and trans - because such folks upset the sexual applecart, and we can have any of that. No siree bob. 

You can read about it HERE.

Pray, with me, that this case, now in the courts will reverse the draconian anti-abortion laws of El Salvador, and when you read "anti-abortion," read anti-women. Whatever the language anti-abortionists might use, it's not about the child; it's all about the woman!

Thanks to the Los Angeles Times for this article, April 19, 2021

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